Chennai Cheered
Earthquake, Floods, Cloud Bursts, Tsunami, etc can only take away our wealth and property but not the spirit which binds us all together. Recent Chennai flood presented the similar example, a city broken by excessive rains, loss of life and property stood again by his unity, courage, hope and love. Salaam Chennai.
Pillows, mattresses, curtains, bed sheets,
drown life's saving.
Love, courage, hope, unity,
but strengthen in the raining.
Help poured from every corner
faster than the water,
First humans came for humans,
government arrived later.
Temple,mosques and churches,
showed their real aim,
humanity is the truest faith,
God - only a name.
Nature altered by our actions,
reacted in that way,
We have to now discuss and debate
how with nature we can stay.
Chennai challenged,collectively contacted,
thus Chennai cheered,
City flooded but the spirit remain intact,
thus Chennai cheered.