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International Women's Day लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Two Minute Medley # 9

Two Minute Medley # 9  शहीद जो शहीद नहीं कहलाते, मर जाते हैं यूँ ही आते-जाते, मौत पर उनकी शोक कौन मनाएगा, अभी चुनाव हैं , ताबूत भी वोट देकर जाएगा।  Shahid Jo Shahid Nahin Kehlate, Mar Jaate Hain Yun Hi Aate-Jaate, Maut Par Unki Shok Kaun Manayega, Abhi Chunav Hain, Taboot Bhi Vote Dekar Jayega.   ####### Makers Of The World Get Only One Day, For Me To Them Belongs Each Day.  #HappyWomensDay ####### रक्षा मंत्रालय में ही रक्षा में चूक हुई, जूते खाकर कहीं नेताओं में टूट-फूट हुई, भृष्टाचार को देश भक्ति से दबाया जाता है, अब सवाल पूछना नए भारत में गद्दारी कहलाता है।  Raksha Mantralaya Mein Hi Raksha Mein Chook Hui, Jute Khakar Kahin Netaon Mein Toot-Foot Hui, Bhrastachaar Ko Desh Bhakti Se Dabaya Jata Hai,  Ab Sawal Poochna Naye Bharat Mein Gaddari Kehlata Hai. ####### Abuse, Thrash And Throw Them Out Of House,  How Kashmir Is An Integral Part & Kashmiris Are Terrorist Mouse.  #######

Salute to Women

Salute to Women Women play many roles in her life and we men are always indebted to her for her contributions in our life. Not only in homes she is achiever in every field possible. This International Women's Day I am dedicating a bilingual poem to the creators of human race. Happy Women's Day. कर्मनिष्ठ, अन्नपूर्णा, कोमल, हैरतअंगेज़, जगत जननी, विश्व विजेता, विख्यात, सबसे तेज़।  Karmnishth, Annapurnam, Komal, Hairatangez, Jagat Janani, Vishwa Vijeta, Vikhyat, Sabse Tez. तू पल पल दुनिया का सवारे, सब तेरे सहारे, बिन तेरे हमारी नैया कौन लगाए किनारे।  Tu Pal Pal Duniya Ko Saware, Sab Tere Sahare, Bin Tere Hamari Naiyya Kaun Lagaye Kinare. Hardworking, food giver, soft and amazing, World mother, world champion, distinguished, blazing. You runs the world, nothing can be done without your support, without you men can't report. 

International Women's Day

International Women's Day A man is nothing without a woman in his life still women struggles to get her desired position in life because men consider himself a better sex. Let's create a world where women is not placed as equal but ahead of men. Happy Women's Day a poem dedicated to all women.  You are the start you are the end and anything in between, without you world is deprived of its present sheen, You hold us, you support us, you lead us, you make us, you break us, you feed us. Disheartening you need a day to world know your importance, without you when half population clueless about their significance. 'As you Wish' when world would let you stay, then not 8th March but every day will be a women's day.

Everyday Is Women's Day

Everyday Is Women's Day We can't imagine a world without women yet the women are treated as second class citizens in our society. The problem lies not only in the patriarchal mindset of men but also the women who have accepted their ill fate by obliging to men for all their needs. This poem is an effort to help all of us realize that not a single day is possible without women in the world. Happy Women's Day. Everyday is a women's day, you struggle, remain puzzled when she is not around, even a day without her you are astray, manages home, manages office and everything  you found. A mother, a sister, a wife, a daughter or in any other form, she is loving, caring and daring, according to situations her role she transform, and in each role she is inspiring. A woman is along or behind every successful man, but a woman stands on her own,  clearing every hurdles of world set up by man, this creator sees success's dawn Our patriarchal mindsets decides women's duties wi