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mercy लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Christmas Day

Christmas Day Christmas Day(25th December) is known more for Santa Claus and celebration associated with it than for the birth of Jesus Christ the man who stood for love and care throughout his life and who even in his death set the example of forgiveness to the world. Today with below written poem in shape of a Christmas tree I have combined the message of this day with the celebrations. Merry Christmas to all of you. It is the day a child was born who  spread the love in the world, who lived & sacrificed and even forgave his killers to kill hate from the world. The day humanity found the champion of service and care, who devoted  his life for the poor and sick  and always to compassion he adhere. Today on this day lets pledge again to fill the world with endearment. Reduce the pain, share the gain, stood for peace-betterment. love care stay for- ever